Shell Interface
Keywords: cli, command line, shell interface
The CommBox EdgeOS Shell Interface is a convenient way to run low-level commands for troubleshooting and diagnostics.
The full list of commands are available here:
Command List
The following commands and arguments are supported in the Shell Interface:
k4.debug.tunepre help
k4.debug.tunepre dump
k4.debug.tunepre <parameter> <value>
This command can be used to tune the PRE parameters.
can be one of:rtt_timeout
, ormini_bounded_rate_vtp
.Run the 'help' sub-command to see details of the parameters.
The 'dump' subcommand will show the current values of these parameters.
k4.monitor.iftop [-i interface] [-t target] [-- iftop-options]
This command can be used to run the Linux 'iftop' command.
'iftop' listens to network traffic on a named interface or on the first interface it can find which looks like an external interface if none is specified, and displays a table of current bandwidth usage by pairs of hosts.
When used with the '-i' option, it will show the named native WAN interface.
When used with the '-t' option, it will show traffic for the named native target host.
The 'iftop-options' are the same as in the usual Linux 'iftop' command.
Run 'man iftop' for details of the Linux 'iftop' command.
ping [-i interface] [-- ping-options] target [-v interface] [-- ping-options] target [-l vlan] [-- ping-options] target [-- ping-options] target
This command can be used to 'ping' a target IP or FQDN.
'ping' uses the ICMP protocol's mandatory ECHO_REQUEST datagram to elicit an ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE from a host or gateway.
When used with the '-i', '-v', or '-l' options, specifies the interface or VLAN through which the ping is conducted.
The 'ping-options' are the same as in the usual Linux 'ping' command.
Run 'man ping' for details of the Linux 'ping' command.
k4.monitor.speedtest [-s server] [-i interface] [-- speedtest-options]
k4.monitor.speedtest [-s server] [-v interface] [-- speedtest-options]
k4.monitor.speedtest [-s server] [-l vlan] [-- speedtest-options]
This command will run a speed test using the Linux 'speedtest' utility.
'speedtest' measures latency, jitter, packet loss, download bandwidth, and upload bandwidth.
The '-s', '-i', '-v', and '-l' options specify the server, interface, or VLAN for the test.
The 'speedtest-options' are the same as in the usual Linux 'speedtest' command.
Run 'man speedtest' for details of the Linux 'speedtest' command.
k4.monitor.traceroute parameters
This command will run the Linux 'traceroute' utility.
'traceroute' tracks the route packets take to reach a host.
The parameters are the same as those taken by the Linux 'traceroute' command.
Run 'man traceroute' for details.
k4.monitor.tshark parameters
This command will run the Linux 'tshark' utility.
'tshark' is a network protocol analyzer.
The parameters are the same as those taken by the Linux 'tshark' command.
Run 'man tshark' for details.
k4.monitor.iptraf [parameters]
This command will run the Linux 'iptraf-ng' utility.
'iptraf-ng' generates various network statistics.
The parameters are the same as those taken by the Linux 'iptraf-ng' command.
Run 'man iptraf-ng' for details.
k4.monitor.wget parameters
This command will run the Linux 'wget' utility.
'wget' is for non-interactive download of files from the Web.
The parameters are the same as those taken by the Linux 'wget' command.
Run 'man wget' for details.
This command will reboot the system, after asking for confirmation.
k4.op.ssh parameters
This command will run the Linux 'ssh' utility.
'ssh' is for secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network.
The parameters are the same as those taken by the Linux 'ssh' command.
Run 'man ssh' for details.
k4.ops.mlvpn [ip country]
This command will set the VOE server address to the specified IP & country.
When called with no parameters, it shows the current VOE server address and the status of the configured VTP tunnels.
This command will show the ARP cache.
It runs the 'ip -n neigh show' Linux command. [vlan<vid> | <subnet>]
This command will show the current leases assigned by the Kea DHCP server.
If a VLAN or subnet is specified, only the leases pertaining to those will be displayed.
This command will list the current firewall rules.
This command will list all non-virtual interfaces, their status, addresses assigned, and any TC configurations.
It also shows the speed and duplexity of Ethernet interfaces. interface
This command will show the count of received multicast packets on the specified interface.
If no interface is specified, it will show the count for each VLAN interface.
k4.del.dhcp ip
This command will delete the existing lease for the specified IP from the Kea DHCP server.