This manual guides the user through the steps required to set up and use the Reports screen in CommBox Edge Cloud Portal. The Reports screen enables the user to view the amount of data consumed by the users and their organization. The Reports screen provide further breakdown based on the WAN Usage, Data usage, Firewall rules, Content Filter, Cellular details and Generated Reports.
Login to the CommBox Edge Cloud Portal using valid credentials.
Select Reports option from the left menu bar.
In the Organization field, select the Organization or sub-organization from the dropdown menu. The logged in admin Organization is populated by default here. This is the organization corresponding to the email ID used to login.
The dropdown list consists of all the sub-organizations under logged in admin organization.
Select the Sites from the dropdown menu.
Select the Period from the dropdown menu.
By default, the time interval selected is last one hr. The user can also select a custom time interval using the From and To fields.
The following pages explain the data displayed in different tabs of the Reports screen: